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Run pipelines

You can run a pipeline in the app, on the command line using the tenzir binary, or configure it to run as code.

In the app

Run a pipeline by writing typing it in the editor and hitting the Run button.

The following invariants apply:

  1. You must start with an input operator
  2. The browser is always the output operator

The diagram below illustrates these mechanics:

...InputOutputTransformationsWhat you write in the editorApp

For example, write version and click Run to see a single event arrive.

On the command line

On the command line, run tenzir <pipeline> where <pipeline> is the definition of the pipeline.

If the pipeline expects events as its input, an implicit load_stdin | read_json will be prepended. If it expects bytes instead, only load_stdin is prepended. Likewise, if the pipeline outputs events, an implicit write_json | save_stdout will be appended. If it outputs bytes instead, only save_stdout is appended.

The diagram below illustrates these mechanics:

...InputOutputTransformationsWhat you typically type on the CLIload_stdinread_jsonwrite_jsonsave_stdout

For example, run tenzir 'version | drop dependencies' to see a single event in the terminal:

version: "4.22.1+g324214e6de",
tag: "g324214e6de",
major: 4,
minor: 22,
patch: 1,
features: [],
build: {
type: "Release",
tree_hash: "c4c37acb5f9dc1ce3806f40bbde17a08",
assertions: false,
sanitizers: {
address: false,
undefined_behavior: false,

You could also render the output differently by choosing a different format:

Terminal window
tenzir 'version | drop dependencies | write_csv'
tenzir 'version | drop dependencies | write_ssv'
tenzir 'version | drop dependencies | write_parquet | save_file "version.parquet'

Instead of passing the pipeline description to the tenzir executable, you can also load the definition from a file via -f:

Terminal window
tenzir -f pipeline.tql

This will interpret the file contents as pipeline and run it.

As Code

In addition to running pipelines interactively, you can also deploy pipelines as code (PaC). This infrastructure-as-code-like method differs from the app-based deployment in two ways:

  1. Pipelines deployed as code always start with the Tenzir node, ensuring continuous operation.
  2. To safeguard them, deletion via the user interface is disallowed.

Here’s a an example of deploying a pipeline through your configuration:

# A unique identifier for the pipeline that's used for metrics, diagnostics,
# and API calls interacting with the pipeline.
# An optional user-facing name for the pipeline. Defaults to the id.
name: Onboard Suricata from TCP
# An optional user-facing description of the pipeline.
description: |
Onboards Suricata EVE JSON from TCP port 34343.
# The definition of the pipeline. Configured pipelines that fail to start
# cause the node to fail to start.
definition: |
load_tcp ""
publish "suricata"
# Pipelines that encounter an error stop running and show an error state.
# This option causes pipelines to automatically restart when they
# encounter an error instead. The first restart happens immediately, and
# subsequent restarts after the configured delay, defaulting to 1 minute.
# The following values are valid for this option:
# - Omit the option, or set it to null or false to disable.
# - Set the option to true to enable with the default delay of 1 minute.
# - Set the option to a valid duration to enable with a custom delay.
restart-on-error: 1 minute
# Add a list of labels that are shown in the pipeline overview page at
- Suricata
- Onboarding
# Disable the pipeline.
disabled: false
# Pipelines that are unstoppable will run automatically and indefinitely.
# They are not able to pause or stop.
# If they do complete, they will end up in a failed state.
# If `restart-on-error` is enabled, they will restart after the specified
# duration.
unstoppable: true