Tenzir’s type system is a superset of JSON. That is, every valid JSON object is
a valid Tenzir value, but there also additional types available, such as ip
and subnet
The diagram below illustrates the type system at a glance:
Basic Types
Basic types are stateless types with a static structure. The following basic types exist:
Type | Description |
none | Denotes an absent or invalid value |
bool | A boolean value |
int64 | A 64-bit signed integer |
uint64 | A 64-bit unsigned integer |
double | A 64-bit double (IEEE 754) |
duration | A time span (nanosecond granularity) |
time | A time point (nanosecond granularity) |
string | A UTF-8 encoded string |
blob | An arbitrary sequence of bytes |
ip | An IPv4 or IPv6 address |
subnet | An IPv4 or IPv6 subnet |
Complex Types
Complex types are stateful types that carry additional runtime information.
The enum
type is a list of predefined string values. It comes in handy for
low-cardinality values from a fixed set of options.
Tenzir implements an enum
as an Arrow Dictionary.
The list
type is an ordered sequence of values with a fixed element type.
Lists have zero or more elements.
The record
type consists of an ordered sequence fields, each of which have a
name and type. Records must have at least one field.
The field name is an arbitrary UTF-8 string.
The field type is any Tenzir type.
All types are optional in that there exists an additional null
data point in
every value domain. Consequently, Tenzir does not have a special type to
indicate optionality.
Every type has zero or more attributes, which are free-form key-value pairs to enrich types with custom semantics.
Comparison to Arrow
All Tenzir types have a lossless mapping to Arrow types, however, not all Arrow types have a Tenzir equivalent. As a result, it is currently not yet possible to import arbitrary Arrow data. In the future, we plan to extend our support for Arrow-native types and also offer conversion options for seamless data handover.
Tenzir has a few domain-specific types that map to Arrow extension
types. These are currently enum
, ip
, and subnet
. Tenzir
and Arrow attach type metadata to different entities: Tenzir attaches metadata
to a type instance, whereas Arrow attaches metadata to a schema or record field.