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Install a package

A package bundles pipelines and contexts, making it easy to deploy them as a single unit.

Install from the Tenzir Library

The most convenient way to install a package is through the Tenzir Library:

  1. Click on a package
  2. Select the Install tab
  3. Define your inputs (optional)
  4. Click the Install button in the bottom right

Install with the Package Operator

To install a package interactively, use the package::add operator:

package::add "demo-node"

This installs the package named demo-node from the Community Library on GitHub. To install a local package, just provide the filename instead:

package::add "package.yaml"

To set package inputs, set the values in the pipeline:

package::add "package.yaml", inputs={
endpoint: "localhost:42000",
policy: "block",

Your package should now show when listing all installed packages:

id: "your-package",
install_status: "installed",
// …

To uninstall a package interactively, use package::remove.

package::remove "your-package"

Install with Infrastructure as Code

For IaC-style deployments, you can install packages as code by putting them next to your tenzir.yaml configuration file:

├── tenzir.yaml
└── packages
   └── your-package
   ├── config.yaml
   └── package.yaml

Inside the packages directory, every installed package lives in its own directory containing a package.yaml file with the package definition. By convention, the directory name is the package ID.

The node search path for packages consists of the following locations:

  1. The packages directory in all configuration directories.
  2. All directories specified in the tenzir.package-dirs configuration option.

As an alternative way to specify inputs visually in the app, or setting them explicitly as part of calling package::add, you can add a config.yaml file next to the package.yaml file. Here is an example that sets the inputs endpoint and policy:

endpoint: localhost:42000
policy: block