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Network Interface

Tenzir supports reading packets from a network interface card (NIC).

The load_nic produces a stream of bytes in PCAP file format:

Memory Chunkheaderpacketpacket..packetstruct packet_header { uint32_t timestamp; uint32_t timestamp_fraction; uint32_t captured_packet_length; uint32_t original_packet_length;} __attribute__((packed));struct file_header { uint32_t magic_number; uint16_t major_version; uint16_t minor_version; uint32_t reserved1; uint32_t reserved2; uint32_t snaplen; uint32_t linktype;} __attribute__((packed));Memory Chunk...subsequent PCAP file headers areonly present when emit-file-headers=true

We designed load_nic such that it produces a byte stream in the form of a PCAP file. That is, when the pipeline starts, it first produces a file header, followed by chunks of packets. This creates a byte stream that is wire-compatible with the PCAP format, allowing you to exchange load_nic with load_file and It Just Works™.


List active network interfaces

If you don’t know what interface to read from, use the nics operator to identify suitable candidates:

select name, addresses, up
where up
name: "eth0",
addresses: [
up: true,
name: "eth1",
addresses: [
up: true,
name: "lo",
addresses: [
up: true,

Read packets from a network interface

Load packets from eth0 and parse them as PCAP:

load_nic "eth0"
head 3
linktype: 1,
timestamp: "2021-11-17T13:32:43.237882",
captured_packet_length: 74,
original_packet_length: 74,
linktype: 1,
timestamp: "2021-11-17T13:32:43.237939",
captured_packet_length: 74,
original_packet_length: 74,
linktype: 1,
timestamp: "2021-11-17T13:32:43.249425",
captured_packet_length: 66,
original_packet_length: 66,
data: "ABY88f1tZJ7zvttmCABFAAA0inUAADQGN/OADoaqxkf3W+B8AFDc3z7i1184RIAQAOWYkQAAAQEICkzDtJijGGhD",

Decapsulate packets

After you have structured data in the form of PCAP events, you can use the decapsulate function to decode the binary data:

load_nic "eth0"
select packet = decapsulate(this)
head 1
packet: {
ether: {
src: "64-9E-F3-BE-DB-66",
dst: "00-16-3C-F1-FD-6D",
type: 2048,
ip: {
src: "",
dst: "",
type: 6,
tcp: {
src_port: 57468,
dst_port: 80,
community_id: "1:YXWfTYEyYLKVv5Ge4WqijUnKTrM=",

Decapsulation automatically computes a Community ID for correlation in the community_id field. You could also use the community_id function to compute this value manually for different events.