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This page describes the expressions available in the Tenzir Query Language (TQL).


You use literals as the foundational building blocks to construct data. They are simple, self-contained constants.


Literals such as 42, 123.45, 2.5k, and 2s are called scalars.

Numeric Suffixes

Numeric scalars can have magnitude suffixes:

  • Power-of-ten suffixes: k (=1,000), M (=1,000,000), G, T, P, and E.
  • Power-of-two suffixes: Ki (=1,024), Mi (=1,048,576), Gi, Ti, Pi, and Ei. For example, 2k is equivalent to 2000.

Duration Literals

Use unit suffixes like ns, us, ms, s, min, h, d, w, or y to create duration scalars.

Date Literals

Write date literals using the ISO 8601 standard.

IP Literals

Write IP literals using either IPv4 or IPv6 notation. Subnet literals are IP literals followed by a slash and the number of active bits.

String Literals

Write string literals with escape sequences. For example, "\n" represents a newline character. Use raw strings like r"\n" to prevent escape sequence behavior. Enclose raw strings with the # symbol to include quotes in your string, such as r#"They said "hello"."#.


Use a single identifier to refer to a top-level field. To access a nested field, append .<name> to an expression that returns a record.

from { my_field: 42, top_level: { nested: 0 } }
my_field = top_level.nested
{ my_field: 0, top_level: { nested: 0 } }


Use the this keyword to reference the entire top-level event. For example, from {x: 1, y: 2} | z = this produces {x: 1, y: 2, z: {x: 1, y: 2}}. You can also use this to overwrite the entire event, as in this = {a: x, y: b}.


Events carry both data and metadata. Access metadata fields using the @ prefix. For instance, @name holds the name of the event. Currently, available metadata fields include @name, @import_time, and @internal. Future updates may allow defining custom metadata fields.

Unary Expression

Use the unary operators +, -, and not. The + and - operators expect a number or duration, while not expects a boolean value.

Binary Expression

The binary expression operators include +, -, *, /, ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, and, or, and in.

Arithmetic Operations

Use the arithmetic operators +, -, *, and / to perform arithmetic on specific types.

Numeric Values

The numeric types int64, uint64, and double support all arithmetic operations. If the types of the left- and right-hand side differ, the return type will be the one capable of holding the most values.

int64 + int64int64
int64 + uint64int64
int64 + doubledouble

The same applies to the other arithmetic operators: -, *, and /.

If the resulting value exceeds the range of the result type, it evaluates to null. There is no overflow or wrapping behavior. Division by zero also produces null.

Time & Duration

The time and duration types support specific operations:

time + durationtime
time - durationtime
time - timeduration
duration + durationduration
duration / durationdouble
duration * numberduration
duration / numberduration

String Operations

Concatenate strings using the + operator:

result = "Hello " + "World!"
{ result: "Hello World!" }

Check if a string contains a substring using in:

a = "World" in "Hello World"
b = "Planet" in "Hello World"
{ a: true, b: false }

Relational Operations


All types can compare equality with themselves. Numeric types can compare equality across different numeric types. All types can also compare equality with null.


For numeric types, operators <, <=, >, and >= compare their magnitude. For string, comparisons are lexicographic. The ip and subnet types are ordered by their IPv6 bit pattern.

Logical Operations

Join multiple boolean expressions using the and and or operators to check multiple conditions.

where timestamp > now() - 1d and severity == "alert"

Range Operations

Use the in operator to check if a value is within a list or range.

  • T in list<T> checks if a list contains a value.
  • ip in subnet checks if an IP is in a given subnet.
  • subnet in subnet checks if one subnet is a subset of another.

To negate, use not (Value in Range) or Value not in Range.

Indexing/Element Access

List Indexing

Access list elements using an integral index, starting with 0 for the first element.

let $my_list = ["Hello", "World"]
result = my_list[0]
{ result: "Hello" }

Record Indexing

Access fields in a record using record.fieldname. If the field name contains spaces or depends on a runtime value, use an indexing expression:

Accessing a fieldname with a space
let $answers = { "the ultimate question": 42 }
result = $answers["the ultimate question"]
{ result: 42 }
Accessing a field based on a runtime value
let $severity_to_level = { "ERROR": 1, "WARNING": 2, "INFO": 3 }
from { severity: "ERROR" }
level = $severity_to_level[severity]
severity: "ERROR",
level: 1


Create records using a pair of braces. {} denotes the empty record. Specify fields using simple identifiers followed by a colon and an expression, e.g., {foo: 1, bar: 2}. For invalid identifiers, use a string literal, e.g., {"not valid!": 3}. Separate fields with commas. The final field can have a trailing comma, e.g., {foo: 42,}.

Creating a record
let $my_record = {
name: "Tom",
age: 42,
friends: ["Jerry", "Brutus"],
"detailed summary": "Jerry is a cat."

Expand records into other records using .... For example, if foo is {a: 1, b: 2}, then {, c: 3} is {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}. Fields must be unique, and later values overwrite earlier ones.

Lifting nested fields
from { nested: { severity: 4, type: "source" } }
nested: { severity: 4, type: "source" },
severity: 4,
type: "source"


Create lists using a pair of brackets. [] denotes the empty list. Specify list items with a comma-delimited sequence of expressions, e.g., [1, 2+3, foo()]. The final item can have a trailing comma, e.g., [foo, bar,]. Expand lists into other lists using .... For example, if foo is [1, 2], then [, 3] is [1, 2, 3].

Functions and Methods

Invoke functions by following the name with parentheses and a comma-delimited sequence of arguments, e.g., now(), sqrt(42), round(391s, 1min). Methods are similar to functions but include a method subject followed by a dot, e.g., expr.trim(). The final argument can have a trailing comma.

Pipeline Expression

Some operators expect a pipeline expression as an argument. Write pipeline expressions using a pair of braces, e.g., { head 5 }. If the final argument to an operator is a pipeline expression, omit the preceding comma, e.g., every 10s { head 5 }. Braces can contain multiple statements. Separate statements using newlines or other delimiters.

Let Substitution

Reference a previously defined let binding in an expression using the same $-prefixed name:

let $pi = 3
from { radius = 1 }
area = radius * radius * pi
{ radius: 1, area: 3 }

if Expression

The if keyword can also be used in an expression context, e.g., if foo == 42 { "yes" } else { "no" }.

match Expression

Use the match keyword in an expression context to perform pattern matching, e.g., match num { 1 => "one", 2 => "two", _ => "neither one nor two" }. The _ can be used as a catch-all case. If no match exists and no _ is provided, the match expression evaluates to null.

Operator Precedence

Expressions like 1 - 2 * 3 + 4 follow precedence and associativity rules. The expression evaluates as (1 - (2 * 3)) + 4. The following table lists precedence, ordered from highest to lowest.

method call
field access
unary +, -
*, /left
binary +, -left
==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, inleft (will be changed to none)

Constant Expressions

A constant expression evaluates to a constant when the pipeline containing it starts. Many pipeline operators require constant arguments. For example, head 5 is valid because the integer literal is constant. However, head x is invalid because the value of x depends on events flowing through the operator. Functions like now() and random() can also be constant evaluated; they are evaluated once at pipeline start, and the result is treated as a constant.