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Start the node API

The node offers a REST API for CRUD-style pipeline management. By default, the API is not accessible from the outside. Only the platform can access it internaly through the existing node-to-platform connection. To enable the API for direct access, you need to configure the built in web server that exposes the API.

Expose the REST API

To expose the REST API, start the web server component by adding the following to your configuration:

- web server \
--certfile=/path/to/server.certificate \
--keyfile=/path/to/private.key \

Replace MODE with the TLS mode that best suits your deployment, as explained below.

The YAML configuration is equivalent to the following command-line invocation:

Terminal window
tenzir-node --commands="web server [...]"

The server will only accept TLS requests by default. To allow clients to connect successfully, you need to pass a valid certificate and corresponding private key with the --certfile and --keyfile arguments.

Generate an authentication token

Clients must authenticate all requests with a valid token. The token is a short string that clients put in the X-Tenzir-Token request header. You can generate a valid token on the command line:

Terminal window
tenzir-ctl web generate-token

For local testing and development, generating suitable certificates and tokens can be a hassle. For this scenario, you can start the server in developer mode where it accepts plain HTTP connections are does not perform token authentication.

Choose a TLS deployment mode

There exist four modes to start the REST API, each of which suits a slightly different use case.

Developer mode

The developer mode bypasses encryption and authentication token verification.

HostTenzir NodeRESTAPIlocalhost:80DeveloperHTTP

Pass --mode=dev to start the REST API in developer mode.

Server mode

The server mode reflects the “traditional” mode of operation where the server binds to a network interface. This mode only accepts HTTPS connections and requires a valid authentication token for every request. This is the default mode of operation.

HostauthtokenTenzir Node0.0.0.0:443UserauthtokenscomparetokenRESTAPIHTTPS

Pass --mode=server to start the REST API in server mode.

Upstream TLS mode

The upstream TLS mode is suitable when Tenzir sits upstream of a separate TLS terminator that is running on the same machine. This kind of setup is commonly encountered when running nginx as a reverse proxy.

HostauthtokenTenzir NodeUserauthtokensRESTAPIlocalhost:80TLSterminatorHTTPHTTPScomparetoken

Tenzir only listens on localhost addresses, accepts plain HTTP but still checks authentication tokens.

Pass --mode=upstream to start the REST API in server mode.

Mutual TLS (mTLS) mode

The mutual TLS mode is suitable when Tenzir sits upstream of a separate TLS terminator that may be running on a different machine. This setup is commonly encountered when running nginx as a load balancer. Tenzir would typically be configured to use a self-signed certificate in this setup.

Tenzir only accepts HTTPS requests, requires TLS client certificates for incoming connections, and requires valid authentication tokens for any authenticated endpoints.

Terminator HostTenzir HostTenzir NodeUserauthtokensRESTAPITLSterminator0.0.0.0:443clientcertificatevalidateHTTPSHTTPSauthtokencomparetoken

Pass --mode=mtls to start the REST API in server mode.