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The Tenzir documentation resides at We use Astro with Starlight as website framework.

Build and view locally

Fetch external content, such as Markdown files from our .github repo:

Terminal window

Install the web framework dependencies:

Terminal window
pnpm install

Build a development version of the docs:

Terminal window
pnpm dev

Then browse to http://localhost:4321/ to view the site.

Build for production

We build a production build of the site in CI with every push to main. Check out our GitHub workflow for the gory details.

Edit diagrams

We use Excalidraw as primary tool to create sketches of architectural diagrams.

When exporting Excalidraw scenes, always use light mode and choose SVG as export format, as we have some CSS magic in place that automatically inverts colors SVGs so that they also look nicely when using dark mode.

Tenzir developers have access to our Exalidraw Documentation collection. For everyone else, we encourage to reach out to us on our Discord server to request changes to existing SVGs.