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OpenSearch is a search and observability suite for unstructured data. Tenzir can send events to OpenSearch.

IndexmainBulk API

When sending data to Elasticsearch, Tenzir uses the Bulk API and attempts to maximally batch events for throughput, accumulating multiple events before shipping them within a single API call. You can control batching behavior with the max_content_length and send_timeout options.

For more details, see the documentation for the to_opensearch operator.


Send events to an OpenSearch index

from {event: "example"}
to "opensearch://localhost:9200", action="create", index="main"

Replace localhost with the IP address of your OpenSearch instance.

Selectively specify metadata and document

Instead of treating the entire event as document to be indexed by OpenSearch, you can designate a nested record as document:

from {category: "qux", doc_id: "XXX", event: {foo: "bar"}}
to "opensearch://localhost:9200", id=doc_id, doc=event, action="update", index=category

The above example updates the document with ID XXX with the contents from the nested field event.