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We offer a native deployment on various Linux distributions. Follow the instructions below to deploy a node on Linux.

Install a node

Second, choose the Linux tab and proceed as follows:

  1. Download the config for your node.
  2. Create a directory for the platform configuration.
    Terminal window
    mkdir -p /opt/tenzir/etc/tenzir/plugin
  3. Move the downloaded platform.yaml configuration file to the directory so that the node can find it during startup:
    Terminal window
    mv platform.yaml /opt/tenzir/etc/tenzir/plugin
  4. Run the installer and follow the instructions to download and start the node:
    Terminal window
    curl | sh

The installer script asks for confirmation before performing the installation. If you prefer a manual installation you can also perform the installer steps yourself. See the configuration files documentation for details on how the node loads config files at startup.

Download the latest Debian package and install it via dpkg:

Terminal window
dpkg -i tenzir-static-amd64-linux.deb

You can uninstall the Tenzir package via apt-get remove tenzir. Use purge instead of remove if you also want to delete the state directory and leave no trace.

Start a node manually

The installer script uses the package manager of your Linux distribution to install the Tenzir package. This typically also creates a systemd unit and starts the node automatically.

For testing, development, our troubleshooting, run the tenzir-node executable to start a node manually:

Terminal window
_____ _____ _ _ ________ ____
|_ _| ____| \ | |__ /_ _| _ \
| | | _| | \| | / / | || |_) |
| | | |___| |\ |/ /_ | || _ <
|_| |_____|_| \_/____|___|_| \_\
Visit to get started.
[16:50:26.741] node listens for node-to-node connections on tcp://
[16:50:26.982] node connected to platform via wss://

Stop a node

There exist two ways stop a server:

  1. Hit CTRL+C in the same TTY where you ran tenzir-node.
  2. Send the process a SIGINT or SIGTERM signal, e.g., via pkill -2 tenzir-node.

Hitting CTRL+C is equivalent to manually sending a SIGTERM signal.